Author: Supriya Antin Kaddargi
Vice President, JP Morgan Chase Bank
Greater Chicago.USA
It had been more than 900 years since the revolution by Shivasharanas under the inspiration of Guru Basavanna. That revolution had magnetically set in a beautiful era with simple yet elegant practices of Veerashaiva Lingayath philosophy but the wheel of time had rendered a much diluted society again where sustaining that same fervor of Basavanna and other Sharanas of his order had ceased to persist. Illiteracy was on the increase and superstitions were back and rampantly ingrained in the society. The legacy was already rich with the doctrines laid out, the literature enriched by Sharanas in the form of vachanas and shoonya sampadane and more than anything else, Veerashaiva Lingayaths had donned the ishta lingas or at least possessed the awareness of the philosophy. All the same, that legacy’s influence did not have the same bearing on the society as it once did. In the centuries traversed, there certainly must have been many ascents of spiritual gurus who attempted to resurrect the lost principles but the restoration of that good faith needed more than just a leader to keep the influence going. What was in need was institutionalizing it all over again from a grassroot level.
In such times of decline was born a superior sage, Sri.Hanagal Kumaraswamiji in Haveri district,in Joisarahara halli village in Karnataka in the year 1867. It takes a lifetime to enlighten oneself and to take along the society as well on that path, and to realize a vision of sustaining it calls for a supreme visionary in a saint. Such was the distinction of Kumar yogi. His was a dream of the society progressing and for that progress he believed in the power of imparting Shivayoga as envisioned by Panchacharya, Basavanna , Allama , Shivasharanas, Nijaguna Shivayogi and Tontada Siddalingeshvara
Mutts were still the medium to enable this societal transformation but their focus was not in the direction of achieving social welfare. They had tended to becoming independent bodies with personal agendas overtaking the larger spiritual interest of the society. Cohesion was lacking between these mutts since there were no channels to interact with one another for enabling exchanges of spiritual ideas and scaling successful work to greater heights. Sri.Hangal Kumaraswamiji who was widely traveling to meet with other seers of his time in his spiritual journey had concluded the need for reviving the mutts with proficient seers, whose orientation had to be to realign dharma to Veershaiva Lingayath principles to bring back the spirit of shivayoga , dhasoha , social equality, educate and uplift the society overall. Also to keep these mutts and seers coherent, Kumarswamiji felt an establishment of spiritual institution to engage in spiritual discussions and endeavors on a larger scale. hence were founded two significant establishments by Sri.Hanagal Kumaraswamiji – Akhila Bharata Veerashaiva Mahasabha in the year 1904 & Shrimad Shivayoga Mandira in the year 1909.
For Shivayoga Mandira, Chittaragi Mahant Swamiji of Ilkal was given the responsibility of selecting the location and his choice could not have been any more pristine – situated along the banks of Malaprabha river surrounded by Bhilva trees, serving all seekers the perfect environment to achieve penance.
Shivayoga Mandira, the result of that spiritual conception stands tall today as a Veerashaiva Lingayath gurukul bejeweling the society with credentialed seers who receive exemplary training in all facets of Veershaiva Lingayath dharma along with regular education as provided in schools
Shivayoga Mandira is the perfect grooming ground for sadhakas. The air in Shivayoga mandira brims with spirituality. Boys are admitted into this institute under the age of 12 years.
Students aged 8 to 12 years are called ‘Vatus’ or ‘Aryas.’ The ones older than 12 years are known as ‘Sadhakas’ who go on to become ‘Deshikas.’ These students are residential and undergo a rigorous term in this gurukul. From 4 am to 10 pm, their daily routine spans practising all the Ashtavaranas of Veershaiva Lingayath dharma which include Ishta Linga Pooja, yoga, studying vachanas, performing different duties as a part of kayaka, numerous dasoha activities, learning Sanksrit and various scriptures along with regular subjects in Kannada and English. All the students are provided the allround exposure to a life of a pontiff which helps them to be voluntarily inclined towards adopting the path of spirituality. In addition to advancing themselves on this path, they are also privileged to benefit from the company of senior pontiffs and saints who have made a mark in the spiritual field and keep visiting Shivayoga mandira. In any instance of a student showing an inclination towards leading a normal familial life, he is encouraged to return to his family. So, the core group of these students are sincere aspirants who have the spiritual spark in them. The students who are on the verge of completing this basic training are called ‘Maridevaru’ and when they are ready to serve the society, different mutts and senior pontiffs select them to join mutts, where they serve the society in their own capacity. The exquisite training the students receive eventually gets translated to good work done through sustaining the tenets of Basava tatvas. So far many established mutts in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have appointed pontiffs from Shivayoga mandira.
Apart from the gurukul, holiness of cows is upheld in Shivayoga mandira too. Shivayoga mandira also houses a big goshala – shelter for cows. There is also a Vibhuti manufacturing facility on the premises where the vibhuti or bhasma is classically prepared using the dung from the goshala. These vibhutis are world famous since they are prepared traditionally with no adulteration of any kind.
Shivayoga Mandira’s leading light is still Sri.Hanagal Kumaraswamiji’s blessings whose compelling integrity for a spiritually groomed society continue to influence the aspirants there. Swamiji’s samadhi in Shivayoga mandira is a reassuring holy destination for us all.
Students in the gurukul on their way to becoming pontiffs
Goshaale & Vibhuti making facility in Shivayogamandira
Author: Supriya Antin Kaddargi
Vice President, JP Morgan Chase Bank
Greater Chicago.USA